Tag: graphic design

How to Tell if Subscription-Based Graphic Design is the Best Fit For You

Graphic Design is an essential part of marketing and branding. If you think about it, it is through graphic design that your brand gets its identity, and becomes recognizable. So finding the right designer for your graphics is pretty important. But there are multiple ways to find yourself a designer. So how to choose among […]

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Elements of Graphic Design and How to Apply Them

When we come across a graphic design, our minds don’t automatically deconstruct the different elements of graphic design used to create it, unless we actually already know them. That is why sometimes you think you can create a design that looks seemingly simple but when you look at the end result you’re like…  “I don’t […]

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Design Shifu vs Creative Design Agencies

Have you been contemplating signing up with a creative design agency for your graphic design requirements, but have been wondering how to pick the best from the rest? Well, why choose a design agency at all when you have Design Shifu, an online unlimited graphic design platform, at your service to give you the best designs at irresistible rates!

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How many times have you put your graphic design requirements on the backburner simply because you thought it would end up burning a hole in your pocket or be substandard simply because you didn’t have the budget to afford a good designer? Well, not any more… Design Shifu is the perfect answer for individuals and […]

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