Introducing Landing Pages - Design Shifu
Design Shifu

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What is a landing page?

Some marketing endeavors need you to go beyond getting only creatives designed. We call them the big-league marketing endeavors. For instance, a marketing campaign for which you need a landing page. 

More often than not landing pages, unlike web pages, are not generic. They have a specific goal for their audience in mind, and hence creating a landing page to perfection is essential to serve that goal. Landing pages are also often great lead magnets and perfect to build up buzz around a product launch. 

Types of Landing Pages

There are various types of landing pages that you can use for different purposes in and around your marketing campaign. Some basic landing pages are:

Squeeze page

A squeeze page is usually a page gated with some type of downloadable content as an asset or a subscription to a newsletter, through which one can capture the email address of the visitor. 

A lead capture page

Similar to a squeeze page, but a lead capture page generally fishes for more specific information, such as name, business name, email address, job title, and industry, etc.

“Get Started” Landing page

This type of landing page is full of information for your visitor to get primed enough to try out your service. It carefully charts out the content to highlight the benefits of a product//service and keeps a “Get started” CTA handy right where it needs to be.

Long-form landing page

A long-form landing page is a very detailed page with all the information about your business presented, with the sole purpose of closing business. They are full of testimonials, quotes, videos, etc that probe the visitor to apply for a service or make a purchase, with a sense of urgency.

Click-through landing page

A click-through landing page primes your visitor with information about your service. It usually has CTA encouraging your visitor to take a trial with your service which takes them to the actual page with the payment information for availing a trial.

Paid-Advertising Landing Page 

This is a landing page that is strategically and specifically made for the ad campaigns you run. It is not a page packed with unnecessary information but one that has just the right information with usually an end goal: getting a lead. You are going to need a well-designed, neat, and user-friendly page to generate more leads. 

Unsubscribe Page

Allowing your audience to have control over their preferences is as important as having them subscribe to your newsletters. Create an unsubscribe page that is easy to navigate and a page that is most importantly responsive. 

To perfect your marketing campaign, you need a perfectly designed landing page that is not only up to the mark with its design aesthetics but is also responsive and easy for the target audience to navigate. To win the big leagues, you need a design for the big leagues. 

How do you get a high-impact landing page designed, that is responsive, creative and most importantly looks professional. 

Introducing Landing Page Designs

Take your campaigns to the next level with Design Shifu. Design Shifu has launched Landing Page Designs as part of the Unlimited Plus Plan so that you can get the perfect landing page for your campaign, just as you envisioned it to be. 

How Design Shifu can help

We understand that creating a landing page is a long process that requires substantial communication, revisions, and feedback sessions to get it just right and we want to offer help from point A to point Z. 

With Design Shifu, you can get

  • A designated designer
  • A 24-48 hour turnaround time 
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Unlimited Design Requests

Along with Landing Page Designs, the Unlimited Plus Plan is also inclusive of various other options that you can get designed. You can get Custom Illustrations, Logos, GIFs, Presentation decks, and much more. Design Shifu also offers a 14-day money-back guarantee in case you’re not satisfied with our services. Check out our pricing page or sign up for a demo by clicking here!

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