

Suvin is leading the way at Design Shifu - a graphic design subscription service,sharing design insights and business expertise with his growing audience.

User onboarding is part of every organization where the user is given a guided tour of your software service or product. It is the first impression of your product. It is a crucial component of any business and in fact, it is a make-or-break experience for most new users. 

Proper user onboarding can ensure better retention and engagement rates, satisfied customers, and a profitable product. Today, many SaaS tools are used for a better user onboarding experience. These tools are becoming the de facto approach for companies to operate as they help customers use the product optimally. Here are the five best SaaS tools for user onboarding in 2022.

1. UserGuiding

UserGuiding - 5 best user onboarding tools

It is a no-code user onboarding SaaS tool that increases the adoption of the product in question and reduces the to-and-fro due to the interactive walkthroughs. The best part is the ease of use that this platform offers. All you have to do is download the UserGuiding chrome extension and create your first guide. After that, embed the container code to finish the installation process and you are ready to go live.

With the help of UserGuiding, businesses can streamline user onboarding and create customized, interactive user guides with tools like tracking, goal setting, step-by-step product walkthroughs, and more. All these tours and guides can be fully customized with user segments to help with targeted learning experiences. 

You can use NSP surveys to get insights and feedback on onboarding and walkthroughs too. Its analytics dashboard can help gain insight on crucial metrics like the number of people completing every stage, completion rates, and more.

Key features

  • Audience targeting
  • Launch management
  • Onboarding
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Surveys and feedback
  • Task management
  • Activity dashboard
  • Account management


  • Basic Plan – $69 per month
  • Professional Plan – $299 per month
  • Corporate Plan – $499+ per month


  • Capterra: 4.7
  • G2: 4.5

 2. Userpilot

Userpilot - 5 best user onboarding tools

It is a cloud-based product experience platform made for product teams and customer success to onboard users and improves product adoption via behavior-triggered solutions. It is a code-free solution that allows the creation, management, and testing of customer flow, goal setting, tracking, customization of the user interface, and more.

Through this tool, users can build a wide range of custom product experience flows without any codes. The flow builder allows for customization of every aspect of the UI, such as boxes, backgrounds, images, colors, and more.

Userpilot’s engine can find any design change and react as per them so that experiences are created only when relevant. You can set performance goals and track the success of every product experience too. 


  • User onboarding
  • Account expansion
  • Product adoption
  • Product marketing
  • Product growth
  • Customer retention
  • UX design


  • Traction – $249 per month
  • Growth – $499 per month
  • Enterprise – $1000 per month 


  • Capterra: 4.6
  • G2: 4.6

3. Walkme

Walkme - 5 best user onboarding tools

A digital adoption platform for onboarding and training, Walkme, makes the online experience simple and easy. It uses artificial intelligence, engagement, analytics and automation to help users complete the tasks effortlessly within the mobile application, website or any enterprise software.

Walkme ensures that there are reduced incoming support requests and an increase in self-service and adoption. Its prompt customer care staff shortens the time taken to support users with handling requests. Some of its special features include a digital analytics experience that allows customers to keep track of the end user’s interaction with HTML on a webpage or application.


  • Certification & licensing
  • Content creation
  • Churn management
  • Asset categorization
  • Customer segmentation
  • Audience targeting
  • Communication management
  • Adaptive Element Recognition
  • Session Recordings 
  • Custom User Identifier
  • Screenshot Settings


  • Basic Plan – Rates on request
  • Custom Plan – Rates on request


  • Capterra: 4.4
  • G2: 4.5

 4. Userflow

userflow - 5 best user onboarding tools

One of the most popular onboarding software for SaaS companies, Userflow offers unique and sophisticated onboarding experiences. This feature-rich and easy-to-use software help set up complex user flows. 

Even the installation of the Userflow software is quick and simple. All you have to do is copy-paste the installation code into the app and you can go live. In addition, the software is ultra light-weight with a 5-10x smaller footprint than its competitors. Its flows work with all frameworks and with both single-page applications and apps with multiple pages. You can track events with the help of the software and store all user attributes that are helpful in segmenting and targeting users.


  • Reporting and analytics
  • Workflow management
  • Visual modeling
  • Content creation
  • Multi-language
  • UX prototyping
  • Media Import
  • Alerts and notifications


  • Startup – $200 per month
  • Pro – $ 600 per month
  • Enterprise – On request


  • Capterra: 4.9
  • G2: 4.8

5. Pendo

Pendo - 5 best user onboarding tools

Pendo is a popular product experience platform that aids software product teams in delivering products. It designs guided experiences that hasten time to value along with state-of-the-art product analytics to grasp user behavior better

It has a novel product engagement feature that keeps users engaged by introducing them to capabilities that provide more value on the basis of their needs.

Pendo’s in-app support helps users stuck in the application and optimize their satisfaction levels. It also has a fantastic revenue growth model that understands user behavior that is in line with positive revenue events and boosts them. It also improves trial conversions and builds features that customers will love and be ready to pay for.


  • User onboarding
  • Product engagement
  • In-app support
  • Feedback collection
  • Revenue growth
  • Portfolio management
  • Employee productivity


  • Free
  • Team – Price on request
  • Pro – Price on request
  • Enterprise – Price on request


  • Capterra: 4.5
  • G2: 4.6


Onboarding customers successfully can be quite a tricky task. In fact, if new users take too long to find value in the product, there is a high chance that they might drop off. Hence, these SaaS tools play a crucial role in retaining customers’ interest and making their onboarding process seamless and enjoyable. So use any of these user onboarding tools for enhanced retention, activation, and feature adoption along with reduced support and development costs.

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