Category: Unlimited Graphic Design

The logo of a brand is one of the first things that leave an unforgettable impression on the customers. Considering brand personality, target audience, brand history, and scalability, all of these factors can make choosing a perfect font difficult. But fret not, we can help you make a wise pick. Here’s our favourite list of […]

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Instagram Image Sizes

Instagram has swept the world off its feet ever since its launch. It has more than a billion users monthly as a part of its community. Marketers are hopping onto the platform to leverage the addictive scrolling behavior of users.   All thanks to its myriad ways of posting varied content types. Be it posts, Instagram […]

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10 Of The Most Creative Business Card Ideas Ever!

Technically speaking, you can exchange your contact details with a potential client through your phone. However, a few months down the line when they are looking through their phone, would they even remember you? The chances are pretty slim! If you wish to make a lasting impression, the physical exchange of business cards is the way […]

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10 Tips To Create A Business Card Design That Leaves A Lasting Impact That Customers Won’t Forget Featured Image

Are you looking for successful ways to market your business? Business cards can actually be of great help since they can help expand your customer base to a great extent. Wondering how?… Well, you can include some pertinent details about your business on your business cards and use them as effective marketing tools by sharing […]

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Real Estate business card templates

Real estate is an industry where transactions and interactions mostly take place face-to-face. In such an industry, your business card does not just act as a way to share your contact details but also represents how you want your customers to remember you.  Clients in the real estate business, whether they want to sell or […]

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6 Interior Design Business Card Templates

Are you working as an interior decorator or designer? If yes, you would certainly be looking at different ways through which you can get on the call list of your potential customers. One of the ways to do this is by getting your business cards designed ‘right’. Since you are a professional with functionality and […]

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Digital design and art have started developing at a much quicker rate than anticipated. With time, both these mediums in the digital world are becoming more accessible than ever before. This often leads to confusing one medium for the other. Similarly, when we talk about graphic design and illustration, people often wonder how the two […]

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How to Tell if Subscription-Based Graphic Design is the Best Fit For You

Graphic Design is an essential part of marketing and branding. If you think about it, it is through graphic design that your brand gets its identity, and becomes recognizable. So finding the right designer for your graphics is pretty important. But there are multiple ways to find yourself a designer. So how to choose among […]

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Elements of Graphic Design and How to Apply Them

When we come across a graphic design, our minds don’t automatically deconstruct the different elements of graphic design used to create it, unless we actually already know them. That is why sometimes you think you can create a design that looks seemingly simple but when you look at the end result you’re like…  “I don’t […]

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