Real Estate Flyer Templates
Design Shifu

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Whether you run a real estate agency, are a realtor, or are simply providing promotional real estate offers to your clients, having a good stock of real estate flyer templates is an absolute must. A well-designed real estate flyer template can be an effective sales tool. However, when you lack the design skills to curate an engaging real estate flyer, it can do you more harm than good. With our impressive range of real estate flyer templates, designing a real estate flyer can be a breezy affair.

What is a real estate flyer?

A real estate flyer can be one of the greatest tools in your marketing arsenal in today’s digitally and technologically advanced world. With some creativity and effort, your real estate flyers can become the perfect means to drive the growth of your real estate business by generating maximum leads.

Types of real estate flyer templates

The most common type of real estate flyer is the one that includes a basic headline, the address, price, a few pictures of the property, a short description about the property, and the contact details of the real estate agent. This type of flyer works well to give the buyer the basic idea about the property. 

However, if you want to leverage the true power of the flyer, you need to do a lot more. Here are a few other types of real estate flyers that can help you understand the idea behind designing an effective real estate flyer template better.

1. Real estate flyer templates for property viewings

Property viewing generally involves multiple interested agents and parties checking out your property. Designing an engaging real estate flyer template specifically for this purpose can help you in selling your house to such prospective clients. When you include all the right details about the property in the right way, it would leave a mark in the client’s mind which will make them remember your property for all the right reasons. Some pointers that you must include in real estate flyer templates  for property viewings are given below.

  • An attractive short title describing the property.
  • The price of the property.
  • A short description about the property.
  • Different features of the property.
  • An option for private viewing.
  • Pictures of the interior spaces with their description.
  • Nearby amenities.
  • Contact details.

2. Flyer boxes

Flyer boxes are very much different from the other types of real estate flyer templates mentioned in this list. Particularly, such flyers need to be short, sweet, and to the point. The basic idea behind flyer boxes is that they need to be straightforward and attractive enough to catch the eye of people walking and driving by. They basically need to provide a quick access to the property details to the passers by. Ensure that your property does have a flyer box, because if left empty, prospective clients are less likely to put in efforts researching your property themselves. Things to be added in a flyer box include,

  • A huge sign saying “For Sale”.
  • Pictures of the property.
  • Short description of property, preferably in the form of bullet points.
  • Contact details.

3. Real estate flyers for open houses

If you are planning on conducting an open house, which is pretty common in real estate, you need to ensure that you have enough well-designed real estate flyer templates for the prospective buyers who attend the event. While hosting such an event, make sure that every person who walks by the door receives a flyer. They would be able to assess your property better if all the necessary details like the ones below are included in the flyer design.

  • “Open House” titled in huge letters and an attractive font.
  • Another title in a smaller font detailing the house type. For instance, “A 5 bedroom house with 2 attached bathrooms , and a kitchen”.
  • Pictures of the main areas of the house.
  • A short and attractive one liner.
  • Price of the property.

4. Real estate flyer designs for land or undeveloped property

The most basic type of real estate is land and the flyer you design should be simple and to the point. Land typically means that there is an undeveloped property or vacant land that is up for sale. Generally, the developers who acquire this land combine or assemble it with other properties to rezone it. This way the value and density of the property can be improved greatly. Real estate flyers for land must include these details.

  • A pleasant picture of the land with its surrounding, better if aerial.
  • Location of the vacant property.
  • Details of any nearby landmark.
  • The amenities available nearby.
  • Try to include some incentives if possible to motivate the buyers to invest in this property.
  • Your contact information

5. Real estate flyer templates for residential properties

Since this is the most common type of real estate, the flyer you create for this must be unique and must stand out among your competitors. Such type of real estate includes housing properties for families, individuals, and groups of people. Within this type of real estate category, there are apartments, family homes, townhouses, condos, and every other type of living arrangement that you can think of. Here are the details that need to be included in such a real estate property.

  • An effective one liner. For eg., “The Perfect House for your Perfect Family”.
  • Your real estate company’s name and logo.
  • A short description about the house for sale.
  • Key features of the house that can attract the buyer.
  • Mention of promotional offers, if any.
  • Contact details including your website address, phone number, and email ID.

Related Article:

Since flyer designs are one of the most widely used tools for advertisements, we’ve come up with a list of steps to help you create an eye-catching flyer that looks creative and professional. 

10 Best Tips to Design a Flyer in 2020 That Gets Your Message Across

6. Real estate flyer templates for commercial properties

Commercial properties are all those land spaces which are used for carrying out different operations by certain businesses. Generally such properties are used for building and operating malls, parking lots, individual stores, shopping centers, medical units, hotels, or restaurants. Commercial properties include the land as well as buildings that can be used for such purposes. You need to ensure that the following details are covered in the flyer you design for commercial properties.

  • An attractive one liner or title. For instance, “The ideal property for your dream business!”.
  • Company name.
  • Offerings by the company that is currently selling the property.
  • Attractive images of the property.
  • Contact details like address, email address, phone number, and social media handle links..

7. Real estate flyers for industrial properties

Industrial properties refers to those land spaces and buildings that are or can be used for businesses in the industrial sector. Such spaces are generally utilised for mechanical productions, factories, construction, research and development, transportation, construction, warehousing, and logistics. While designing an ideal flyer for industrial properties, you need to make sure that it includes the below details.

  • Name of the company selling the property.
  • Address of the property.
  • Website details and contact number.
  • The property for sale in big bold letters. For eg., “Warehouse for Sale!”.
  • Short description about the warehouse.

Real estate flyers have the power to impact your business and its ROI to a great extent. When you design a real estate flyer in the right way, you can easily grab the attention of potential buyers. If you are looking to step into real estate marketing or are planning to take professional help for designing a real estate flyer for the property you wish to sell, you can approach Design Shifu

Design Shifu offers multiple graphic design plans that you can pick from. We also offer a 15-day money back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with our services. What are you waiting for? Contact us now!

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